Sunday, March 14, 2010


I am a new lover of silence.  Not the awkward silence that comes after someone says something stupid or the silence that happens during one of my boring lessons as a teacher...I am a fan of the silence that comes when everyone in the house is sleeping but me.  I used to hate this silence.  It made me feel lonely and anxious, like I had been abandoned.  But that has all changed, because today it allows me to take a deep breath and just relax.  No dogs to corral, no baby to soothe, no husband to humor...just silence.  Ahhhhh!

Today I am using this silence to catch up on some blogs that I follow.  I learned about the yo-tweeps traffic exchange from Supah Mommy and got myself all set up for this Wednesday.  I read about how my friend Mom-In-A-Million does not love Trader Joe's as she guest posted over at Letters from Crazyville. I also caught up on some posts that I had not yet read by Crazed Mama while I was there.  Next I saw that Mommy Brain had chosen a winner for her latest giveaway.  She shared some of the funny Mommy Moments that were submitted...I actually giggled out loud while reading the ones about the cable guy and the UPS guy- I am surprised neither of them won.  Although I have to say that not remembering your new child's name is quite the mommy moment! 

There are so many more blogs to read and so little time.  I know Baby S will be up soon so I am going to take advantage of the last moments of silence and take a shower. 

Mommy C 


  1. I am having one of those days with some hubby took my daughter with him to work today....a whole afternoon by myself! Unreal! I'm using it to catch up on blogs too, although I probably should give that whole shower thing another thought =)

    Here via TMC Have a great day!

  2. Silence is a beautiful thing!!! I have always been a big fan. :o) Thanks for following on Twitter (YoTweeps) RIght back at cha'!
