Saturday, January 08, 2011

Baby #2 - Week 14


January 8, 2011 -Superman's 1st Birthday is today! 

How far along: 14 weeks 

Baby's size: lemon
Symptoms: Nausea seems to be getting better and I had one day this week where I felt like my energy was back to normal.  The rest of the days were not as energy filled, but I feel like it could come back any day least I hope.  This week was filled with heartburn!  I didn't have heartburn much at all last pregnancy...I hope this isn't a sign of what is to come.   

Sleep:  Doing great- Superman is sleeping till 7:30 now and I LOVE IT!!!!!!! 

Total Weight Gain:gained 2 pounds this week so now I am just 2 pounds down.

Maternity clothes: Yup, although I still just look more chubby than normal. 

Best moment this week: Had another prenatal visit and found out that our risk for downs and trisomy 18 has been lowered thanks to the results of the ultrasound and blood work. :) 

Movement: Not too much this week.

Food cravings: cheese and orange juice (but not at the same time)

Gender:  My husband thinks it is a girl and I think that his family has so many boys in it that I am likely to have another boy.

Labor signs: none

What I miss: having energy.

What I'm looking forward to: feeling better (and Superman's birthday party today!)

Weekly Wisdom (aka what I learned this week):  So this isn't really wisdom, but thought I would share. There are so many people pregnant right now!!  Someone mentioned on one of my friend's facebook pages that the year of the rabbit is about to start...we all know what they say about rabbits! 

Milestones: Another prenatal appointment down. :)

Emotions: I am much more emotional when I get nauseous lately.  I think I am just so tired of it that I am breaking down. 

I thought I would add another category.  One of my goals this pregnancy is to continue to stay active as I did with Superman.  With my first pregnancy I did water aerobics several times a week for much of it and yoga once a week.  Towards the end I was too tired from teaching to go each night and I really missed the outlet. 

This pregnancy I am doing Baby Boot Camp (goal of 3 times a week) and eventually will be going back to pregnancy aerobics (goal 2 times a week).  In addition, I want to try and walk 30 minutes each of the days that I don't go to boot camp (either in one outing or two depending on the day).   Each week I will let you know how I did! 

Exercise:  Boot camp- Wednesday and Friday; walked Tuesday and Thursday for 30 minutes. 

Tandem Nursing:  
Nursing Sessions:  only morning- (not everyday)- I learned the hard way that if the bottle was with me, that is what he wanted
Supply: almost none existent.
Pain: none
Nausea while nursing: None  
Positions for nursing: cradle hold
Other thoughts on this: Just plugging along and going with the flow (or lack of it).  The last day of frozen breast milk was Monday, Jan 3rd.    He doesn't seem to miss it so that is making it a bit easier. 
Till next week!

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