Monday, November 08, 2010

Safety First and other changes

Over the next couple weeks you will notice some changes on my blog.  Some good and some that are just necessary. 

First, the necessary. I am taking all my pictures of Superman off my blog.  Today Rebekah over at Mom In A Million posted a blog post by Jessica Gottlieb titled The MomBlogosphere Wants Its Photos on her Facebook fan page.  I had not read Jessica's blog before, but I am glad I read it because it got me really thinking.   In the comments she referenced a slide show she did on privacy at Bloggy Boot Camp in Austin.  I watched the almost 30 minute presentation and although I don't agree with everything she said, her theme of being careful about what you put out in the internet really resonated with me.  So no more calling it in on Wednesdays with cute pictures of Superman for Wordless Wednesdays (although I may have other subjects for those posts).  I am going to have to get back to really writing and that is a little bit scary for me (so please be kind).

The super cool thing that is going to happen in the next couple weeks is that I have a new blog design!  Jessica over at The Frilly Coconut has taken on this challenge for me and we have been working hard at making the design perfect (actually she is working hard and I am just saying things like "that is awesome" and "I love it!" in response to the changes she makes).  I have no idea where we are in the process (I should probably ask her that), but it feels like we are close to getting done.  So stay tuned for a new look around here!


Mommy C

1 comment:

  1. Totally understand--I don't put up any pictures of my children that shows their faces (I do put a few up that don't show their faces and I did break that rule to post a newborn picture of my son). I also don't post pictures of them on Facebook, although I can't quite convince some other family members to do the same....ugh!

    I can't wait to see your new design! I keep toying with the idea of getting one, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
