Friday, November 12, 2010

Check Out My New Digs!

Isn't it pretty???  I know I am not one of the fabulously popular blogs that I love to read, but I love having my little place on the internet where I get to share my thoughts about being a parent.  This has become one of my "things" since I decided to stay home with Superman and since every hobby has expensive splurges that go along with it; a custom blog design was going to be my splurge.  The only problem with that concept? You don't actually have to splurge to get the perfect design.  Thanks to Jessica over at The Frilly Coconut, I have a totally new look for not a whole lot of money!  If you are thinking about redesigning your blog, I highly recommend checking her out.

So let me show you around a bit.  If you notice on the top, right below my header, there is a menu bar.  You want to learn more about my family and I?  Go ahead and click on the About Us tab (it is currently a work in progress).  Next up is the Contact tab.  Here you can send me suggestions on things to blog about, tips on how to be a better mom, or just your two cents on something I wrote.  The final tab is my Blog Roll.  While this isn't a complete list of all the blogs I read, they are the ones that I read most frequently.

Speaking of Blog Rolls, I know have my very own button!! Look to the left at the top of the side bar.  Do you see it?  Isn't it perfect?  So please feel free to grab it and place it on your blog!  Then come on back and drop me a note.  I will be sure to come and visit you soon.

If we jump over to the other side bar on the right, you will also find my new social networking buttons.  I personally hate having to look all over the blog for the Facebook or Twitter link.  I think Jessica did a great job make them stand out.  I also have a whole new look for Twitter that will be updated soon.  Be sure to stop by and say hello!  By the way, Facebook is my favorite way to keep up to date on my favorite blogs.  For me it is much easier than remembering to check my Google Reader (although that is a great way for many people). So, why don't you go on over to Facebook right now and "like" me so that you can get my latest updates right on your very own wall. 

A few other things to point out.  As I mentioned at the top of this post, I know I am not one of those big blogs with hundreds of thousands of followers.  However, I would love for more people to come and check out my blog.  So if you enjoy reading it, please take a moment and vote for me over at Top Mommy Blogs each time you come and visit.  Please and thank you.  (The button to click is located on the right side.)

One last really cool feature of this new format is that DISQUS is now being used for comments.  If I understand it all correctly, I will now be able to have threaded comments, email replies to people, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff that I am just going to have to learn about as I go.   So please, leave me a comment so we can try it out!

I hope you have enjoyed this little tour.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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