Monday, April 19, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday!


  1. Welcome to PINT! I am a new follower of yours. :-) You are doing it just right by staying downstairs while your Hubby is up there 'bonding' with the baby! Call it 'me' time and enjoy it!

  2. Welcome to Post it Note Tuesday.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  3. PINT has become my little obsession ;)

    Have you tried fenugreek or Reglan to increase your supply? [postpartum nurse here ;)]

  4. Welcome to Post-It Note Tuesday! It is my favorite day of the week. (yea - I have no life!)

  5. Hang in there with nursing! You will figure it all out. Just when things settle down for a while the kid goes and changes everything on you! And as for daddy, well they have their own way of bonding with baby, it certainly isn't our way but somehow they figure it out. Now if us moms can just let go of a bit of the control and trust dad...

  6. Thank you all for your comments. If I haven't gotten to your blog yet, please don't take it has been a hell of a week. I will try and visit soon!
