Wednesday, June 09, 2010

This one's for Kyron Horman

This is Kyron Horman.  Isn't he adorable?
I have never met him personally, but today the post is for him.  You see, Kyron is missing.  He disappeared from school on June 4th from his school in Portland, Oregon.  His step mom brought him to school that morning, walked around the school (looking at science fair projects) with him, and then at 8:45 said goodbye to him as he headed for class.  At this point it seems that things get a bit fuzzy (either because they are fuzzy or the police just haven't released more information).  At some point the teacher took attendance and he was marked absent. However, for some reason his step mom didn't get a call from the school regarding this.  So she waited for him at the bus stop that afternoon and when the bus pulled up, the driver told her that Kyron never got on the bus.  She drove to school only to find out that they didn't know where Kyron was and he had been missing since that morning (the school didn't realize he was missing either). 

It is my understanding that the police still have no idea if he wandered off and is just missing or if someone abducted him.  For this reason, no Amber Alert was filed.  That means it is up to media outlets and everyday citizens to do their part.  So I am asking I am pleading with you to do something.  You could:
  • Join the Missing Kyron Horman Facebook page
  • Visit the FBI site that has the Endagered Missing Person page for Kyron  (the pictures in this post are from this Facebook page)
  • Visit the ChildSeek Network page set up for Kyron
  • Tweet about him and include the picture below. 
  • Write something on your facebook page and include the picture below
  • Write your own blog post or copy my post and post it on your blog
  • Using whatever resources you have, direct traffic to the FBI site or the ChildSeek Network site. 
I can only imagine what the family is going through right now.  I wish I could do more to help get this little boy home, but all I have right now is this page and my voice.

My thoughts and prayers are with Kyron's family.

Mommy C

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